Antrim County Republican Party Platform 

Whereas The Republican Party is the party of “we the people”, limited government, free enterprise and individual freedoms of choice, as articulated by our founding fathers; therefore candidates who file as a republican shall represent and promote the following:   

I.               Constitutional Rights:  

A.             Freedom of Speech, not limited by political correctness, DEI or a political party.

B.             Religious Liberty under our Judeo-Christian foundation.

C.             Right to Keep & Bear Arms shall not be infringed.

D.             Privacy – Government cannot impose lock downs of any sort, cannot mandate health choices, cannot mandate vehicle choices or emissions; cannot undertake any surveillance of citizens without probable cause of criminal activity, cannot restrict travel or limit the purchase of food, staples and necessary items for any reason. 

II.             Election Integrity: Proper Identification to vote, must be a legal citizen, paper ballots only, no tabulator or other machines, voter rolls updated locally and annually.

III.            Law and Order: Equal justice for all; deterrence and punishment shall be balanced by meaningful rehabilitation when substance abuse or mental health issues are the contributing factor to the crime with limited use of prison sentences, except for the need to separate dangerous individuals from society. Enforcement by ethical investigation and without bias.

IV.           Fiscal Responsibility: balance the budget, abolish the IRS, no income tax, implement a FAIR tax; reduce government employment by at least 30% at State level and at the County level. 

V.             Traditional Family Values: Parent(s) decide what is best for child, uphold traditional marriage, gender at conception: male and female only; no gender or sexual indoctrination; dignity/respect for seniors; no biological males in female sports, in female prisons, in female bathrooms and vice versa We are pro-life and do not support abortion or sex change.

VI.           Preserving our Small-Town Communities from Over-Development, Urbanization and high- density ordinances and require more green space, fewer road cuts along major two-lane thoroughfares.

VII.          Free Enterprise and Free Markets: No mandates or regulations of any kind, including electric vehicles, vehicle emissions, appliances, travel; support Energy Independence and Enbridge for electricity.

VIII.         Strong Military: free from transgender ideology/treatment, DEI/woke policies and mandatory vaccinations; use of local militias (able-bodied citizens willing to follow orders) trained by the County Sheriff.

IX.            Conservation and Preservation of our Natural Resources: with a balance of all species; balanced wolf population with the regional deer, elk and bear population. Water quality must not be compromised.

X.             Freedom of Health Choice: no mandates for health care; no lockdowns; no government or administrative interference with medical opinions, medical or legal advice by licensed professionals. Repeal all laws which grant Big Pharma immunity for any created, manufactured or distributed product.

 XI.            Educational Freedom, including school choice with per pupil tax vouchers, home schooling expanded to including regional gatherings for specialized classes, including biology, chemistry, physics, calculus, statistics, algebra, geometry, forensics, and civics/constitution.

XII.          “America First” Policies: Neither foreign influence nor interference of any kind; no purchase of land in Michigan; no right to operate a business in Michigan; no financial benefits to any illegal alien;  active deportation required.


Voted to adopt: June 18, 2024